LABOUR MP Hugh Bayley has written to York students to reassure them he is opposed to controversial "top-up" fees.

As revealed in the Evening Press, Mr Bayley has joined a growing band of Labour MPs against plans for elite universities to charge students up to £3,000 per year.

He instead favours a flat-rate increase in the £1,100 fee paid by all students.

Now he has written to student union leaders at York University and York St John College to ask them to support his stance.

Mr Bayley, who attended a debate on the future of higher education with St John's, said: "I listened carefully to what they were saying. They oppose top-up fees because they could make the top universities too expensive for poorer students.

"I want all students to have equal access to the best courses at the best colleges.

"University fees will have to go up to pay for better quality education, but I want all universities to charge the best fees, and subsidies for poorer students."

Almost 50 MPs have now signed a Westminster early day motion calling for the flat-rate increase rather than top-up fees - mostly from the Labour ranks.

At least another 50 are fiercely opposed to the idea of top-up fees, but are reluctant to sign the motion because they do not want to support any increase in student fees.

Updated: 08:56 Tuesday, April 29, 2003