HOMELESSNESS services in a North Yorkshire area are being reviewed by users.

They are being asked to complete a questionnaire to find their views for the survey of the homelessness service offered in Hambleton.

Housing staff are would like to hear from anyone who has used the housing service in Hambleton over the last 12 months.

They will be asked to spend 20 minutes completing the survey, being conducted by the Housing Advice and Resource Project on behalf of the Authority.

"It is an important part of this review that we find out what our customers think," said Hambleton's head of environmental health and housing, Eric Kendall.

The names of all those customers will be placed in a free draw for £50-worth of Tesco vouchers.

To take part in the survey, phone the housing services division at Hambleton District Council on 01609 767035.

Updated: 10:30 Tuesday, April 29, 2003