RECENT letters have, rightly, complained of the petty point-scoring between Labour, Liberal and Tory in these local elections. There's a simple reason for this.

Since the New Labour leadership abandoned all pretence of socialist principles, all three parties now stand on a pro-big business agenda of privatisation and cuts in services. The petty points are all that divides them.

As a trade unionist and socialist, I believe we need a real alternative. A party that will take on big business and tax the rich rather than the poor, stop privatisation and re-nationalise the railways, defend council housing, restore decent pensions, defend comprehensive education and unequivocally oppose racism and war.

In short, a party that puts people before profit. That's why I'm backing the Socialist Alliance, and I encourage anyone who wants to see these values back in politics to do the same.

Ben Drake,

Danum Road, Fulford.

Updated: 11:34 Wednesday, April 30, 2003