RACECOURSE bosses in York have banned smoking in their plush new £20 million Ebor stand.

The decision is not, they insist, part of any "moral crusade".

It was made on the basis of a "barometer of public opinion" in favour of the ban, and there remain plenty of places on the course where those wanting to light up can go.

There will be those who are upset by the decision.

But the racecourse is only following where many other establishments - pubs, restaurants and offices among them - have already led.

Increasingly, the majority who are non-smokers are not willing to put up with breathing in other people's smoke.

It is a brave decision by the racecourse. But surely even the most dyed-in-the-wool of smokers will accept that for such a magnificent stand as the new Ebor, it is a price worth paying.

Updated: 11:32 Wednesday, April 30, 2003