BUCKS FIZZ was served alongside cash withdrawals at a York building society office as staff celebrated an important milestone.

Skipton Building Society, which has 80 branches in England and Scotland, including one in Colliergate, York, and another in Wheelgate, Malton, celebrated its 150th birthday yesterday.

Staff in York celebrated the occasion by serving food and drink to customers as well as raising money through stalls, games and competitions.

Youngest staff member Karen Scaife, 21, and longest-serving staff member Anne Cheal, who has been with the society for 25 years, are pictured here marking the occasion with a celebration cookie.

Branch manager Angela Pern said local businesses had been extremely generous in supporting the charity event, with all money raised going to Age Concern's national funds.

She said: "The customers have been coming in to have drinks. Bucks fizz was going down particularly well and so were the cakes.

"We have been very busy and customers were taking the opportunity to enjoy a drink and a nibble and a chat with staff."

Updated: 10:10 Friday, May 02, 2003