ALL the political parties are claiming victory on the results of the May 1 local elections. This is ridiculous.

The Tories "won" nearly 600 seats, but their Trade and Industry spokesman Crispin Blunt is right.

Led by Iain Duncan Smith they will not win the next General Election. William Hague remains one of the few Tories with real talent.

The Liberal Democrats are pleased at a 30 per cent share - but only one third of those who could vote did.

Labour lost 850 seats - the votes cast were often against Tony Blair and New Labour, rather than for the others.

The Greens did at last register the odd victory. The Independents scored on a few very local topics. The one big winner was the British National Party. They only won 11 seats, but came second in numerous wards. However, their success is mainly because of the failure of the "big three".

The biggest winner was apathy!

Most British people are fed up with politics. Even electronic and postal voting did little to persuade people to vote.

David Quarrie,

Lynden Way, Holgate, York.

...I congratulate the Lib Dems of Huntington and New Earswick on their success in the council elections.

Will we now see the Green Belt protected, the developments at Monks Cross, Coppergate and also the problems of the by-pass resolved to everyone's satisfaction, not forgetting the redevelopment of Huntington Stadium?

I wish the Lib Dems well for the sake of York, and I thank all those who supported me on May 1.

Paul Tumman,

Conservative candidate, Huntington and New Earswick,

Broome Close,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 10:33 Wednesday, May 07, 2003