I MUST comment on the article by Bill Hearld 'Sad but true - a story of a life ruined by sexual abuse', (April 29).

Sexual abuse is a very difficult subject. I have had personal experience on both of the issues on which he writes.

I was sexually abused as a child by a relative and Mr Hearld is absolutely right, the effect never leaves you. Even if you can forgive the person, the effect is there for life. The person concerned should be punished, of that there is no doubt. But how? I now find myself married to a man who is being accused of a sexual assault that never took place.

He is being treated worse than a murderer. My husband's life will never be the same again. In this case the woman and the police are to blame for their part in pursuing an innocent person.

Name and address supplied.

Updated: 10:32 Wednesday, May 07, 2003