CHARITY workers are searching for adoptive parents in the York area.

Adoption-Yorkshire, the adoption service of Catholic Care, is trying to target families to take specific groups of children following recent successes in the area.

Vera Ogden, team leader of the service, said the charity continued to seek adoptive parents for family groups of two and three children aged four to six, for children aged five to eight, and for babies born with Downs Syndrome. Sometimes there are larger family groups of four and more children and it is difficult to find them a family where they can all live.

Recently the service managed to help keep a family of four in regular contact. The two older children were placed with one family and the two younger children with another.

Both sets of parents have made a commitment that the children will see each other regularly throughout their childhood. In keeping with government guidelines, the charity has made it a priority to meet quickly with people who have expressed an interest in hearing more about the children.

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Updated: 08:19 Wednesday, May 07, 2003