PARENTHOOD advice will be on offer at the National Childbirth Trust's Baby and Toddler Fair which is taking place in the city at the weekend.

The fair, organised by the York branch of the NCT, will be held at Acomb Methodist Church, Front Street, Acomb, from 1.30pm and 4pm and will bring together a range of pregnancy, childbirth and childcare advisory services including the NCT, York Storks, the Healing Clinic, York Childcare Services and SureStart.

Parents and parent-to-be will be offered a wealth of advice on everything from nappies to nurseries and toys to tots parties.

Goods on sale include a range of activity toys, books and clothes and other specialist services for babies and toddlers up to the age of three.

In addition there will be a nearly new sale of baby and toddler goods.

A special drop-in photography session for families and children will be hosted by Under Fives photography.

Activities are also planned to keep little ones entertained as well as some relaxation sessions for tired mums. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.

Entrance to the fair costs £1 for adults, while children enter free.

All proceeds are in aid of the National Childbirth Trust, which offers information and support in pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood and aims to give every parent the chance to make informed choices.

Updated: 08:18 Wednesday, May 07, 2003