Having read the feature by Stephen Lewis on tourism in York (Staying upbeat in tourist city, April 30), I was staggered to see a paragraph which claimed that "City tourism bosses are hoping to build on the success of Thursday late night shopping".

I don't know which tourism boss made this statement but whoever it was cannot have taken a walk in the city on any of the last few late nighters!

The late night shopping experiment has been a complete waste of effort and money to all concerned. York has been a ghost town. Walking down Coney Street at 6.15pm last week I counted seven people! Hardly packing them in.

Blame the weather, blame gridlock or just accept that people are not interested.

Why didn't they look at the last couple of years late-night Christmas Thursdays to gauge if it would work or not?

If the aforementioned tourist boss had bothered to do his or her homework they would have seen that the Christmas late nighters are losing their appeal as well.

If the tourist bosses are trying to hoodwink us about late night shopping, what are they telling the tourists?

PR Willey,

Burnholme Drive,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 10:27 Monday, May 12, 2003