IF I were a Suzuki, I'd want to be a Mooney Suzuki, a dirty little motorbike built for galumphing down muddy trails - not elegant, not stylish, but damn good fun. This is New York punk rock (emphasis on the rock) of the old school.

It's hard, it's driving, and probably best heard in a small, cramped concert venue where the sweat drips from the ceiling. You won't remember any of the songs, but it's not the melody that stays with you but the energy. Thoroughly invigorating, and with time for the band to try the odd top-down cruising song (Oh Sweet Susannah), Electric Sweat is positively yearning for a hot summer to march the scorching heat of the music. Pop the CD case, pop a beer and let it roll.

Updated: 10:59 Thursday, June 19, 2003