REGARDING your front page report (Minster library could be rescued, Thursday, June 5) the spokesman for the Archbishop of York, the Rev Rob Marshall was quoted as saying "Human resources are an extremely important part of what the church is about, and we are listening to any views expressed to us...."

My wife is now embroiled in a disciplinary dispute with her employers at York Minster. Her alleged misdemeanour: "voicing her concern over Dean and Chapter policies' during a meeting with a member of the management".

After the meeting she received a written notification of a verbal warning with the additional threat of dismissal.

If the Minster administration needs to go to such lengths in order to "muzzle" their own employees in this arbitrary manner, the fundamental question needs to be asked: what price their human resources?

A E Woodfield,

Cundall Drive,

Acaster Malbis, York.

Updated: 11:51 Friday, June 20, 2003