A GROUP of female swimmers held a tea party to rival that of the Mad Hatter and March Hare when they enjoyed a cuppa in Tadcaster Swimming Pool.

The women held the event following an exhausting aqua-aerobics session to raise money for York's St Leonard's Hospice.

About 20 women joined the session with a further ten coming along afterwards to enjoy a cup of Earl Grey and a cake or two.

Organiser Mary Collier said: "It went very, very well and the girls had a great time.

"We raised about £70 in total. My husband dug up a load of new potatoes from our garden in the morning so people took a few home in return for a donation."

A further £70 was raised earlier in the week when the women took part in a sponsored exercise at the pool.

Updated: 08:47 Monday, June 23, 2003