YORKSHIRE Water's customer service has been ranked among the best in world.

The company, which took over York Water Works in April 2000, has won a prestigious international award for the way it manages its relationship with customers, beating off stiff opposition from companies across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Among the multi-national firms Yorkshire Water beat to win the coveted Gartner Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Excellence Award was the motor giant Audi and Belgacom, Belgium's equivalent of British Telecom.

Yorkshire Water's success follows the implementation of a new Integrated Customer and Operations Management (ICOM) system, which combines state-of-the-art IT systems with leading-edge customer service practices.

The new system has revolutionised the service offered by Yorkshire Water to its 400,000 customers in York and East Yorkshire. The award was presented to Yorkshire Water's IT director Alan Harrison at a CRM summit in Paris.

Mr Harrison said: said: "This is an incredible achievement and shows how far we have come in the last few years in terms of the service we offer our customers."

Updated: 10:43 Tuesday, July 01, 2003