JULIAN Cole has a remarkable ability to offend people who have Christian beliefs (June 26). Mind you, he is clever enough to restrict his Bible-bashing to Christianity, with never a word of criticism or derision for other religions; what's he scared of? Fatwa?

It is despicable to spend your time earning a few bob knocking a great religion in a local newspaper. As a left-footer, I am not an authority on the machinations within the Church of England, but it seems to me that the Archbishop of Canterbury should be applauded for taking on the role of peace-maker in the alleged gayety of Canon Jeffrey John and his proposed nomination as Bishop of Reading.

Who cares what the Bishop of Reading gets up to in his spare time; provided he doesn't do it in the street and frighten the horses?

For God's sake, let's live and let live.

Robert Holmes,

Thorganby, York.

...DR Jeffrey John, the newly appointed Bishop of Reading, has vowed to stay with his male partner of 27 years. I must express my sympathy for his situation and respect and admiration for his courage. Luckily, he does seem to be supported at a high level.

Unlike many of today's evils, such as drugs, alcohol, feminism and racism, homosexuality only causes harm and distress to the homosexuals themselves, through the ignorance or cruelty of others. This seems sad because people in same-sex relationships seem to live peacefully and happily together, so unlike "normal" people who often have violent lives.

Homosexuality is as much an accident of birth as blindness, deafness or other deviations from the norm. Why should people born with different feelings be forced to suffer lonely and loveless lives through the nasty trick played on them by their genes?

Dr John is clearly an admirable, committed and devout man and I hope he weathers this storm and carries on with his service to the church and his community, from both of which he seems to have earned support and respect.

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens,

Escrick, York.

Updated: 10:54 Tuesday, July 01, 2003