SUMMER holiday under-18 discos are to be introduced in Selby to help police tackle antisocial behaviour.

The pilot scheme will be launched on Wednesday, at the Market Tavern, in Micklegate, where it will be strictly soft drinks only

The joint initiative, involving police, Pubwatch and Selby District Community Safety Partnership, will continue throughout the holidays, and could be made permanent.

The second and third discos will be held at Kans, in Market Place, on Wednesday August 6 and 13. These will be followed by two further Wednesday night discos at Jems, in Ousegate.

The new discos are aimed at the between the 13-18 age range. Opening hours are restricted from 8pm to 11pm. Entry costs 50p.

Selby PC Jackie Townsend said: "This is partly aimed at getting youths off the streets and to put them in an adult environment to show them they can go to a club or pub but don't have to be drinking to have a good time. They don't need to be on the streets drinking."

Officers will watch for signs of drug misuse and ensure youths reach home safely.

Tina Taylor, manager of Kans, said previous school discos had been a great success.

She said: "Teenagers like it because they're put in an adult environment and they get treated like adults."

The owner of Jems, Tony Sambidge, said: "This will let teenagers see that they can have a good night without alcohol. When they reach the age when they can come in as a customer, they might remember they can have a good night without getting totally drunk."

Mark Crane, leader of Selby District Council, said: "We are often criticised for not giving young people enough to do. This is very pro-active thinking by the police and others to give young people an outlet which will hopefully keep them out of bother."

Updated: 12:35 Monday, July 28, 2003