A RYEDALE-based support service for children with special needs and their families is enjoying a sunny summer thanks to a £20,000 grant.

Ryedale Special Families was awarded the cash by the Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales.

Services the charity provides include emotional support, creche facilities and a special needs youth group.

Staff and clients celebrated the £20,000 cashpot with a special event at Dalby Forest, near Pickering, which saw The Aurora Ensemble put on a musical show.

Sam Hadaway, branch manager at Lloyds TSB Malton, said: "This is a group which does a tremendous amount for the local community, helping not just those with disabilities, but also recognising that their families need support and care. We wish them every success with the future of this project."

Updated: 10:54 Monday, July 28, 2003