HOW ridiculous to be constantly invited to vote on some of the minor issues of today by TV and other media, including local councils.

The Government plans to arrange a vote on the allocation of lottery funds, but is scared to permit a vote on the greatest issue to face our nation and heritage for hundreds of years.

We face the extinction of our parliament and county councils in favour of regional assemblies funded by, and answerable only to, Brussels; the destruction of our legal system and currency, our constitution and independence by next summer.

We have already seen the gradual erosion of our freedom and power of speech with the imposition of European laws in all walks of life during the last ten to 15 years.

Soon there won't be need for a referendum - it will be too late! Why are we so apathetic or ignorant about our opposition to this step in slavery? A vote on this issue is vital.

R C Rollinson,

Field Court,

Hempland Lane, York.

Updated: 10:10 Monday, August 04, 2003