Having read the debate on speed humps between Coun Ann Reid and former police accident investigator Mike Natt ('Does city need speed humps?', August 5) I agree with the latter and sympathise with the former.

Something should be done to curb the behaviour of those who blatantly ignore speed limits but speed humps do not, and never will, do the job.

Years ago signs warning of the presence of speed cameras were erected in various parts of York. At first there was a noticeable reduction in traffic speeds until drivers realised these cameras did not exist and it was all a big con.

Why weren't cameras installed? The law-breakers would have been caught and penalised and the revenue generated would have covered the costs of purchase, installation and maintenance.

Those who comply with speed limits would not be punished as they are at present, and the ambulance service would not be burdened with £4 million worth of unusable assets.

A Dobinson,

Askham Lane, York.

...I Have stated for some time now that speed humps are not doing what the council want them to do - that is reduce road accident statistics.

No amount of humps, cameras, chicanes, unreasonably-low speed limits et al will help this.

Despite the large-scale roll-out of speed reduction campaigns during the last five years road deaths are now at their highest since 1997. Source: House of Commons Library.

I agree with Mike Natt and would add that the only way to reduce road accident statistics is to tackle the underlying cause - that is poor driving skills.

Poor driving skills and driving at 50 mph (speeding?) are not the same thing.

Until we make the driving test more demanding - including motorway and improved hazard perception training, regular re-testing, regular eyesight testing and more stringent and frequent vehicle road worthiness tests - we will not see a reduction in road accidents.

We can build speed humps using precious taxpayers' money until the cows come home, but road accidents will continue to rise. I can almost guarantee it.

R J McBroom,

Westpit Lane,



Updated: 11:02 Thursday, August 07, 2003