ONE important word was missing from the 'yes/no' views in your feature on Tony Blair being the longest serving Labour leader and his record as such ('Has Labour shed its principles?' July 31). That word was: 'new'.

In 1997 Mr Blair made it clear his was a new party that would appeal to all the electorate.

The years have proven the total accuracy of the former, but the jury is still out on the latter. However, if Labour Party membership is anything to go by, Mr Blair must be worried.

I offer a more personal view of where New Labour now stands

Attending my first Trades Union conference in the early Seventies, I was labelled a "neo-fascist" because I did not support strike action.

I worked for the Ministry of Defence and lived in a Conservative constituency but, more importantly, I was reflecting the views of the people I was there to represent. But the label stuck and politically I was "right wing".

Since then my views have not changed, yet by today's Labour Party standards I am now classed as "left wing"!

So do not confuse New Labour with Clem Attlee and his ilk. To do so only makes some of today's political machinations even less acceptable than they are already.

Liz Edge,

Parkside Close,


Updated: 11:08 Friday, August 08, 2003