IS THIS man the country's oldest paper boy?

At 91 years of age, Stan Hall has been delivering the Evening Press for the past four years.

After years of being a customer of the paper, Stan has now become our oldest paperboy, delivering copies of the paper every day to residents at his York nursing home.

"I've always enjoyed reading the Evening Press, and now I enjoy delivering it too," said Stan.

He has lived at Mulberry Court Nursing Home, in Shipton Road, since it opened in 1999.

He delivers the paper to about 20 residents at the home every day.

"I couldn't bear it when I first came, I would see the Evening Press from the day before lying undelivered, so I decided to take the job on," he said.

"I enjoy doing it, I like to help everybody, I can't bear to see anybody stuck."

Claire Thompson, the activities co-ordinator at the home, said: "He's a born helper.

"Everyone knows that when Stan's around the Press is here."

Updated: 09:55 Saturday, August 09, 2003