MICHAEL Todd, alias Michael Mime, arrived back in the UK after a four-month stint in Iraq looking for his daughter ('I'd like to sue George Bush', August 4).

Mr Todd was mystified as to why he was held as a prisoner of war by American soldiers for the last three weeks of his time out there.

I shall try and assist Mr Todd with his answers. Firstly, I recall Mr Todd setting off in search of his daughter not knowing if she was alive or not. I presume this is still the case. If so, why on earth didn't he wait until there was some stability in Iraq instead of rushing over when tensions are running high between all factions?

Secondly, American and coalition forces didn't know him from Adam, how are they supposed to know that he was who he claimed to be?

Lastly, no disrespect intended, but if I were a soldier in Iraq and somebody came up to me and proclaimed they had a "heart full of love" then I would say that he had been out in the desert sun too long.

PR Willey,

Burnholme Drive,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 10:52 Monday, August 11, 2003