ADVENTURER Jo Gregory is preparing to walk the Great Wall of China in aid of Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

Jo, 32, of Wheldrake, York, will be part of the first all-female group to walk the the wall when she sets off later this month.

She said: "Unfortunately, I know quite a few people who have been affected by breast cancer.

"I also had a scare last year, but I was okay. I remember walking out of the hospital feeling guilty because so many other women there would not be okay. ''When I saw this expedition advertised on the television I just thought 'I am going to do that'.

"It's the first all-female expedition to walk the the Great Wall of China, so we will be making history as well as saving lives."

The expedition begins on August 30 and has attracted celebrities such as gardening presenter Charlie Dimmock and actor Josie Lawrence.

The group will walk 143km over six days in the mountains along the Great Wall and sleep in a tent. Each member needs to raise £2,650 in sponsorship.

Jo said: "Far from being a holiday, the Women's Great Walk of China will prove a life-changing experience, an immense physical challenge and a huge fundraiser."

Anyone wishing to sponsor Jo should phone her on 01904 456050.

For further information on the event visit

Updated: 10:59 Thursday, August 21, 2003