PUPILS in York and North Yorkshire stayed ahead of the national trend with record GCSE results, despite the countrywide pass rate falling to its lowest level for more than a decade.

In York 59.1 per cent of children achieved five or more A* to C grades which is an increase of 2.7 per cent on last year.

Patrick Scott, the Council's Director of Education and Leisure said: "Yet again York schools have achieved an excellent set of results. It is a tribute to students, teachers, parents and all those have helped to achieve them."

In North Yorkshire fewer than 99 per cent of students achieved grades A* to G and results in English and double-award science were better than last year.

Coun Chris Metcalfe, the county council's executive member for education, said: "These very positive results call for heartfelt congratulations to our students, their teachers and parents."

Meanwhile, A-level and AS level results tables for independent schools, released today, show that in North Yorkshire, Bootham School was the top scorer for average AS and A-level points. St Peter's School was in second place.

Updated: 10:51 Friday, August 22, 2003