TWO organisations concerned with the health and fitness of York residents are joining forces to provide a new ambulance for the city.

Fitness First, at Clifton Moor, will hold a number of events this month, with all the proceeds going to the Evening Press-backed St John Ambulance Life Savers Appeal.

This Saturday and Sunday, September 13 and 14, there will be an all-day breakfast, between 10am and 4pm. This is an open day event where new members can Join For A Coin, and personal fitness sessions, which usually cost £25, will be available for £1.

Next Thursday and Friday, September 18 and 19, will be an over-50s event called Are You Heart Smart at 50?, where over-50s can enjoy free fitness assessments and studio classes. These sessions must be booked in advance by calling 01904 693322.

Finally, on Saturday and Sunday, September 20 and 21, Spinning to Fitness sessions will be taking place in the new cycle studio. Participants can pay £1 and take their seat.

All money raised will go towards paying for a new £45,000 Crusader ambulance for the York area.

Updated: 08:49 Tuesday, September 09, 2003