PLANS have been unveiled for a Museum Gardens-style Castle Precinct centred on Clifford's Tower at the Eye of York.

The proposal would see the Castle car park being grassed over, with the foundations of the Victorian prison walls beneath exposed, as has been done with the remains of St Mary's Abbey.

There would be a quiet garden of remembrance at the north end of the female prison, where archaeologists have discovered the remains of two burial grounds, one dating back to Saxon times, and a 'tent event' area for exhibitions and displays beside the River Foss.

The proposal has been drawn up by York building conservationist Alison Sinclair in consultation with a local archaeologist, an environment campaigner and a member of the York Tomorrow group, in the wake of the Government's rejection of Coppergate Riverside.

They suggest the green space beside Clifford's Tower would be ideal for holding a River Foss festival - as well as being a great location in future for events like the York Food and Drink Festival and Civil War re-enactments. A terrace in front of the female prison could be used for performances ranging from drama to music and poetry readings, they suggest.

Updated: 10:57 Wednesday, September 17, 2003