A GROUP of French teachers visited York schools to see how bullying and behavioural difficulties were tackled.

The delegation visited four of the city's schools on Friday to look at how they support children and parents.

The city was chosen to host the visit after the City of York Council gained Beacon Status for tackling disaffection from education.

The delegation visited Archbishop Holgate's and Canon Lee Secondary Schools and Westfield and Clifton Green Primary Schools.

They also visited the Pupil Support Centre in Acomb which provides education and support to children not in mainstream education. Murray Rose, assistant director of education and leisure at the council, said: "Although we are a small authority we have a considerable reputation for our support work with parents and children.

"We have previously won DfES and Home Office grants in this field and we are looking forward to sharing our experiences with others.

"The problems faced by the French education system have much in common with those faced by our teachers.

"French schools have problems with bullying, with disaffection and with the need to provide alternative curricula for some pupils."

Updated: 09:06 Wednesday, October 01, 2003