York Minster has been praised in a new report for its disabled access facilities.

The Disability Rights Commission has published the report to launch its Open4All campaign for disabled access in the UK.

Disability Rights Commission spokesperson Alyson Rose said: "York Minster is a good example of a major ecclesiastical building that has been adapted for access to make it welcoming to disabled people.

"They have done a lot to show how an old building can be adapted."

Minster spokesperson Eleanor Course said: "We are delighted that the Minster has been recognised as providing excellent services for disabled visitors and worshippers."

Since 2000, wheelchair ramps have been installed in the Minster at the south door, the west end, from the main floor to the choir and into the chapter house. There is also a ramp going down to disabled toilets.

New legislation coming into effect next year will mean that businesses who fail to provide adequate disability access may be prosecuted.

Updated: 10:29 Saturday, October 04, 2003