BOSS Chris Brass hailed York City's new resolution after a ten-man City held Scunthorpe United to a 0-0 draw at Glanford Park.

The result means City have still not won on their last seven outings away from Bootham Crescent, nor scored in their last six League games on their travels.

However, it was a much improved away-day performance from City, who were forced to play with only ten men for more than half the match after the first-half dismissal of Jon Parkin

Said a delighted Brass: "It was a hard earned point and made more difficult by the fact we suffered a sending-off so early on.

"But we showed great resolve and stuck at it. To play for more than half a game with just ten men and come away from Scunthorpe with a point and a clean sheet is a great achievement.

"Not many teams will come to Scunthorpe and get anything because they are so well organised."

Brass said he would be looking at the match video before deciding whether to launch an appeal against Parkin's dismissal.

The striker was sent-off after an off the ball tangle with United defender Cliff Byrne and now faces a three-match ban, possibly longer, after also being sent-off in City's penultimate pre-season friendly.

"I haven't seen it properly but it looked handbags at ten paces," said Brass. "The linesman said he swung an elbow and he connected and the lad has gone down.

"If he has done that then Jon is in the wrong. If he hasn't we will go through an appeal."

Despite being happy with a point, the City boss reckoned three points could have been claimed had City gone in at half-time still with 11 players on the field.

"We had been a little naive away from home and we had to be a bit more patient. The crowd were certainly getting impatient and we were slowly but surely wearing them down.

"I think had we got to half time playing as we were we would have had a fresh impetus in the second and could possibly have gone on to win the game."

The numbers were evened-up midway through the second half when Scunthorpe striker Steve Torpey also received his marching orders for appearing to elbow Brass.

"It was a similar incident to Jon's," confirmed Brass.

"He has thrown an elbow. He caught me slightly and I haven't reacted but it is intent. Fortunately, the linesman has seen it and he has had to go."

Brass, who was delighted by the return of skipper Darren Edmondson for his first game since August, added: "Unfortunately, we couldn't take advantage because we had worked extremely hard and there were one or two tired legs.

"We hung on though and showed a lot of character. I think our fitness levels shone through as well."

Updated: 10:48 Monday, October 27, 2003