AFTER reading the article about the inefficiency of the York planning department (November 27), I should like to nominate the city's highways department. The project to "one way" the remainder of Dales Lane, which began in November 2002, probably created the least observed "one way" sign in York by motorists and cyclists alike.

After phone calls in January and February to the relevant department suggesting "no entry" with light fittings be included on the road to help highlight the new alterations, I was told this was in hand.

When nothing happened, I rang again in March and was told it was not the fault of York city highways department but their electrical contractor over whom they had little control.

When I expressed my disbelief at this statement he suggested I, as an individual consumer, would probably have more influence than the city council.

That same evening two workmen were observed diligently working, with the aid of lights, to install the missing light fittings. Coincidence or cover up?

The lighting still doesn't work.

The sign is not observed during daylight hours so by night it is an accident waiting to happen.

Stuart Elliott,

Dales Lane,



Updated: 09:27 Tuesday, December 09, 2003