INTERESTING choices were made in Jo Haywood's rummage through Santa's sack (December 6) and I echo her words on The French Kitchen by Joanne Harris and Fran Warde.

I was fortunate to receive a token recently, so was able to splash out on this terrific book which is now on my shopping list of gifts. I find a colour picture or two usually lifts the spirits.

Having been promised another token, I intend spending it on French Leave by John Burton Race. The Channel 4 series which this book accompanies was also uplifting.

I loved the way JBR entered into the spirit of all things French, speaking the language (without making a fuss or showing off) whenever possible.

He is a marvellous ambassador for this country - so masterful too.

Chef says Mrs Burton Race is: "a very bonnie woman."

Margaret Lawson,

The Groves, York.

Updated: 12:28 Wednesday, December 10, 2003