Tang Hall School could be knocked down and rebuilt on an allotment site across the road if proposals are given the go-ahead.

The local education authority, City of York Council, has come up with the plans, which would see the 70-year old building bulldozed and replaced with new houses.

Members of the council's executive will discuss the proposals next week, and they will then go out to a public consultation.

The school's head teacher, Ken Taylor, said: "At this stage, it is a very exciting proposal.

"The school is an ageing building with the same maintenance costs. It would be a wonderful resource for the children and wonderful to have a new building with all the resources that go with it."

The problem of falling pupil numbers, which is expected to worsen in the future, has prompted the scheme.

Currently, the school has a population of 240 using eight classrooms. Previously it has had up to 500 children, using 30 class rooms.

The proposals also aim to address the serious lack of affordable housing in the city, by providing more than 130 new homes.

If it is given the go-ahead the new school will have its own sports pitch. Currently, the school's playing field is at Melrosegate and separate from the main building.

With the school at a different site, the playing field could be used as an open public space.

Patrick Scott, director of education and leisure, City of York Council, said: "This is potentially an incredibly exciting opportunity for Tang Hall.

"It is early and there are no firm proposals as yet. Our main priority now is to find out what local people think about the development."

If agreed, a project manager will be appointed to consult with the local community and school's governing body over their requirements before preparing a number of possible options for the scheme.

Members of the executive will discuss the proposals at their meeting on Tuesday, December 16.

Updated: 09:24 Wednesday, December 10, 2003