A LEADING figure linking the worlds of business and education used lyrics by controversial rap star Eminem to spur on school leavers during a York presentation night.

Music-minded Paul Murphy, chief executive of North Yorkshire Business and Education Partnership, urged last year's Year Eleven pupils at Oaklands to "seize the day" when joining the workforce.

Referring to the Eminem hit Lose Yourself, from the film 8 Mile, he told youngsters: "If you had one shot and one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in just one moment, would you capture it or let it slip?"

Imaginative Mr Murphy also quoted Roman poet Horace. "You must seize the day," he warned. "Do not trust tomorrow."

He was speaking at a presentation night attended by parents and former pupils.

He said he often used the US rapper's lyrics to get pupils' attention when speaking at schools.

"I'm a fan of Eminem and I believe his lyrics are serious pieces of poetry. It certainly gets youngsters listening."

He added: "It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening - a real celebration of the school.

Oaklands head teacher Michelle Burns said the event highlighted achievements of a "very creative year group".

She said: "Government league tables may not show it, but they achieved a lot."

The head told pupils they excelled at art and dance and raised large amounts for charity.

She added: "The year group ranged from high-flyers who left with grade A and A stars, to pupils from our special learning facility who received admirable grades."

Updated: 09:21 Wednesday, December 10, 2003