PERHAPS I could end the suspicions raised in the letter from LC Butler of Meadlands (December 15) about the new development north of Osbaldwick.

This concerns the process of choosing the planners and architects.

The choice was made in January 2000, not by the city council and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation but by these two together with representatives from the neighbouring communities.

Four representatives from each of the three were involved in this decision and it was unanimous.

One of the factors which all concerned needed to take into account was the feedback from those who expressed their opinion of the different proposals by planners/architects when these were displayed earlier. The 12 representatives were able to quiz the contestants and discover all the details behind their ideas.

This was a very thorough process and the choice was very well-informed in which, to underline the point, local residents constructively participated.

We are well aware of the opposition to any development of any kind by some residents, particularly in Meadlands.

But our argument has always been that, if a major development is to be undertaken, it would be better handled by ourselves than left to market forces.

We aim to build a successful new community which integrates with nearby neighbourhoods, including Meadlands.

Richard Best,

Joseph Rowntree Foundation,

Water End, York.

Updated: 10:02 Friday, December 19, 2003