WHILST I and most other motorists, I am sure, share Mr Mumford's frustrations (Letters, December 23), I do not share his presentation of that frustration. This will simply play into the hands of the anti-car lobby and make matters worse.

Law-abiding and road-tax paying motorists everywhere are being hounded (speed cameras) and massively inconvenienced (speed humps, chicanes, unreasonably low speed limits and bus lanes) in the name of 'road safety'. Yet road fatalities are not falling at all since the mass introduction of these measures.

What is required is an independent public inquiry into the UK's national road safety strategy. Then, and only then, will the true facts about how to lower the death toll be reached.

I am sure that the current strategy will be found wanting and that improved driver, rider, cyclist and pedestrian training, mandatory ten yearly driver re-tests and improved road engineering will be the solutions.

Does the Evening Press consider this worthy of 'campaign' status? I, and the 3,500 people who will die in the next 12 months despite the humps and cameras, hope so.

R J McBroom,

Westpit Lane,

Strensall, York.

Updated: 09:37 Monday, December 29, 2003