THE wife of a York man who nearly died after being savagely attacked by a gang of youths has publicly thanked the people who saved her husband's life.

Chris Gregory, 57, of Beckfield Lane, Acomb, was kicked unconscious by the gang, some as young as 12, on Saturday afternoon, after he confronted them for taking a crate of beer from near his house.

Mr Gregory was left bleeding and unconscious after the attack, but a passing doctor stopped and gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and heart massage to keep him alive.

He was taken to York hospital, but has since been discharged and is now recovering at home.

Nine teenagers have since been arrested and interviewed in connection with the attack, but have been released on bail pending further inquiries.

Mr Gregory's wife, Polly, gave a public thank you to the doctor, as well as ambulance and hospital staff.

She said: "I would like to thank the following people on my family's behalf for all the help and support we have received.

"I would like to thank the doctor who was passing when the assault took place for his quick response and the aid that he gave Chris, the ambulance team that attended and all the staff who were working in the A&E, ICU and on the ward.

"I'd also like to thank all those who helped at the scene and all the people who have sent good wishes and get well cards. We are all very grateful.

"This has been an upsetting and traumatic time for us all."

Updated: 10:29 Friday, January 02, 2004