SIPPING cocktails in the heated pool on the top floor of our executive Walmgate office suite, the Diary was oblivious to the snowy wastes outside.

We thought this whole weather thing had been exaggerated. Tabloid headlines like Panic Grips Arctic Britain and We're All Doomed To Be Eaten By Polar Bears If We Don't Freeze To Death First were, we thought, a little sensational.

Our preferred take on the topic came in yesterday's Daily Telegraph. "It's January, it's cold and it's snowing. So what's all the fuss?"

But then this photograph came in on the wire, and we nearly choked on a stuffed olive.

We hadn't realised that York is in the grip of another ice age. We had no idea the entire city is encased in a white tomb with the top turrets of the Minster all that is left poking above the permafrost.

We should have listened. We should have been stocking up on soup and candles instead of gin and Pringles.

Whatever will become of us? Call this global warming, Paul Hudson? We're doomed...

But at least there is plenty of ice for our martinis.

STILL with city alumni, Director-General of the BBC Greg Dyke remains set to be the next Chancellor of York University. Whatever that rotten Lord Hutton says about the BBC - and the Diary is first to refute the idea that his inquiry was a contemptible waste of time and money - the university is standing by its man.

When asked if Greg would still be welcome, university spokeswoman Hilary Layton issued this detailed press statement: "Yes!"

Greg, who takes up the Chancellorship in August, ought to have been well prepared for his spat with Tony Blair. He graduated from York in 1974 with a degree in... politics.

WE are delighted too that Geoff "Buff" Hoon has emerged from Lord Hutton's whitewash unscathed.

Much speculation has surrounded his fitness for office. Pish, we say.

On his visit to the Evening Press a year ago we saw the man operate at first hand. Accompanied by the barest dozen advisors, he walked in through the Evening Press reception, up the stairs past ten framed Evening Press front pages to be introduced to three Evening Press representatives.

And he promptly referred to us as "the Yorkshire Evening News".

Sharp as a brick.

DUE to the arrival of a new Ice Age, Dr Ruth Lea's observations on York have been held over, possibly for a warmer day.

Write to: The Diary, Chris Titley, The Evening Press, 76-86 Walmgate, York YO1 9YN


Telephone (01904) 653051 ext 337

Updated: 09:06 Thursday, January 29, 2004