SOUTH Bank needs cameras because there are too few police officers to keep a watchful eye on the area.

Despite a ten per cent hike in the police precept, that will not change.

Chief Constable Della Cannings has no plans to use the extra money to bring more officers to York.

This precept leap has helped to push the overall council tax rise to more than nine per cent.

City of York Council has already earmarked money to help schools avoid cuts, maintain its housing stock and repair roads.

It is another year of huge increases to pay for standstill services.

The council tax, brought in to replace the poll tax 11 years ago, is becoming discredited.

Massively above inflation rises rob crucial income from the least well-off, notably pensioners.

Many bill payers are now talking openly of revolt.

The time has come for a rethink.

We need a local tax levied according to ability to pay which will raise enough money for essential services.

Updated: 11:16 Tuesday, February 10, 2004