Identity is obviously a big thing in Incubus, because A Crow Left Of The Murder spends much of its 14 tracks trying to find it.

The fourth record for this five-piece band is musically all over the place. Sometimes it's heavy rock, with progressive undertones, at other points it is soft and chorus-led.

And it is weak, although it starts well, the single Megalomaniac being intense with a barnstorming, climaxing chorus that leaves listeners begging for more.

Unfortunately, Incubus fail to provide anything like this again, with the exception of the Nirvana-influenced Agoraphobia, and this album fizzles into an hour of dreary, unimaginative, life-taking drivel. It is a shame because this band can definitely cut the mustard with a little bit of time and effort. Try again.

Updated: 09:08 Thursday, February 12, 2004