COMMUNITY leaders hope the launch of a Domestic Violence Forum in York today will help more people escape brutality in the home.

Workers who work in all areas of social care are meeting at the York Centre For Early Music, Walmgate, to spotlight the issue.

Government figures show that domestic violence affects one in four women at some point in their lives and occurs every six seconds in this country.

But organisers point out that men and children can be victims too and it is the responsibility of everyone to stand up against physical and mental attacks.

One former victim, Lisa, who was assaulted at least 200 times over six years, said it took her time to break the cycle of abuse.

But once she sought help from people who reassured her that she was not to blame, she said it was like being given a "new life".

She said: "My message to anyone out there who is living through this nightmare is this - you don't have to do it alone, confidential help is available and you won't regret taking that first step to getting yourself and your life back."

Carole Patrick, of the Safer York Partnership, said: "Domestic Violence presents in different ways and doesn't always result in broken bones and blood streaked faces - it is all about control.

"Abusers use money, sex, words, emotions, and brute force to exercise their power, that gradually whittle away self esteem, confidence and independence."

Home Office funds, secured by the Safer York Partnership and York Police, will be used to employ a co-ordinator in York.

This person will look at the services available to victims in the city and to secure a clear route of care for victims.

York Women's Aid 24-hour emergency helpline can be reached on 01904 646630.

Updated: 10:29 Thursday, February 26, 2004