BRAS from a North Yorkshire company have made their way on to a celebrity bosom.

Staff at lingerie company,, were delighted to hear their products receive a plug on national radio.

BBC Radio 1 DJ Sara Cox, who is expecting her first baby, announced to millions of listeners that she had bought two bras from the aptly-named internet company to cope with her new fuller figure.

Sally Robinson, who runs the business from its base in Old Byland, near Helmsley, said: "It caused a lot of excitement in the office. We think there have already been some orders from Radio 1 listeners. They'll think that if she's using our products, they must be good."

This is not the first time has supplied celebrities. But Sally said she could not divulge who their famous customers were as they valued their customers' privacy, but she said one was a well-known female MP. Sally started the business with a rural diversification grant from North Yorkshire County Council to supplement the family income. The business, which supplies bras in larger sizes over the internet, had been so successful its turnover now exceeds that of the family farm and bed-and-breakfast operation combined.

In September 2003 Tory MP Ann Widdecombe visited the company on a fact-finding trip.

Updated: 11:08 Friday, February 27, 2004