TEN thousand people have told cinema bosses: Save Our Odeon!

The overwhelming response to our campaign to keep open the picture house in Blossom Street, York, came on the day a senior manager was set to meet council leisure chiefs and York MP Hugh Bayley to discuss its future.

The 10,000 signatures - collected in only six weeks - have come in from all sections of the community - and the world.

Vicars, butchers, schoolchildren, former Odeon workers, pub landlords - you name them, they've signed up.

Committed campaigners have collected hundreds of signatures between them. They include cinema enthusiasts Tim Addyman, Derek Atkins and Colin Jeffrey, local hairdresser Gail Bainbridge and Blossom Street tattooist Rick Shaw.

Record numbers have also signed our petition and sent messages of support over the internet through our website.

Only this week, James Kendall, who moved to Australia from York 30 years ago, sent us a rallying e-mail.

He wrote: "It was a great shock to learn of the proposed closure of the Odeon Cinema. What a shame if the grand old lady is allowed to expire.

"I have fond memories of my parents taking me on Saturday nights to the cinema and then rushing out to catch the last bus home. I took my first girlfriend on our first date to the Odeon."

Updated: 10:31 Friday, February 27, 2004