TWO things have struck me particularly last week in the Evening Press.

The first is regarding the support for the Odeon cinema. So far 10,000 people have signed the petition to save the cinema (February 27).

While this is great, and don't get me wrong I also would like to see the cinema saved, I bet the Odeon group wishes that these 10,000 people visited the cinema every couple of months.

The second item concerned the council writing-off £100,000 worth of housing rent arrears (February 24). As we have heard the council is strapped for cash - hence the increased local taxation, car parking increases etc - so why are they not collecting rent? Why should other tenants pay when it is obviousl that others are getting away without paying?

Also would the council like its electorate to withhold £100,000 worth of tax from them?

So - people who support saving the cinema, go there and put money over the counter. And to the council: pull your fingers out, do your job and collect the money that people owe to the residents of the city.

Clive Appleyard.

Westminster Road, York.

Updated: 10:12 Monday, March 01, 2004