AS a resident of Heworth ward, I would like to place on record my gratitude to Coun Paul Blanchard for his efficiency in handling a recent problem I brought to him. I don't think councillors get credit for the day-to-day work they do and it feels good knowing they are there to help.

Recently I received a leaflet from Paul, and his ward colleagues Viv Kind and Ruth Potter.

The leaflet informed me that their weekly ward walkabout was coming to my part of York and I was asked to place the leaflet in my window if I wanted them to call on me.

How many of our citizens today walk the streets of our city to address problems that, in some cases, no one else can even be bothered to report? Or be prepared to visit the house-bound as a matter of routine?

I'd just like to say thank you, and point out that some of us recognise what a valuable service our councillors do for us.

David Wilson,

First Avenue,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 11:54 Wednesday, March 03, 2004