WHATEVER else she has done, Christine Cranfield has certainly demolished a stereotype. The archetypal parish councillor is an older man wearing a cardigan over his collar and tie, not a stripper turned pornographer with the stage name Angelique.

It is no bad thing to see political conventions challenged and democratic institutions opened out to wider society. But a line must be drawn somewhere.

The question is: has Councillor Cranfield crossed it?

Members of Clifton parish council welcomed her on board knowing she was an "exotic dancer". Whether that reflects an admirable broadness of mind from the councillors, or their desperation to fill vacant seats, is debatable. A mixture of both perhaps.

As chairman Vic Paylor says tonight, stripping is not against the law, and the parish council should attract "all sorts".

The website Ms Cranfield has set up since is a different matter, however. Here, people can buy explicit videos of her having sex with a man.

Ms Cranfield must have realised that her new "project" is at odds with public office, even at parish council level.

No one expects councillors to be morally whiter-than-white, but a certain degree of respectability is still required. Many residents will be put off approaching Ms Cranfield with parish council business because of what she does.

As for the code of conduct, if hardcore pornography does not bring her "authority into disrepute" it certainly does it no favours.

What this story highlights is the terrible shortage of parish councillors. Few people are prepared to volunteer their time on behalf of the community.

Ms Cranfield was one who did. It will be a shame for Clifton Without to lose that rare asset, a young woman parish councillor. But we are very much afraid she has crossed the line.

Updated: 11:14 Wednesday, March 10, 2004