BILL Hearld's column ("Die another day, live another day", March 9) struck a very personal chord, and vividly brought back my mother's last few grim months in York District Hospital just over three years ago.

I have every sympathy, especially having to find endless coins for the hospital car park.

I still shudder at the memory of all those winter evenings after work, trudging down that seemingly-endless "Main Street" corridor, feeling tired, guilty and thoroughly helpless.

At least for most of the time she was safe in a ward where she was cherished and well looked after, despite the difficulties with which the staff cope.

I'm sure Bill's comments will have struck a chord with many people and, knowing that, maybe feel a bit better about the process.

Chris Mason,

Hall Farm Close,

Riccall, York.

Updated: 10:43 Friday, March 12, 2004