SNUBBED York councillors are to persist in inviting North Yorkshire's Chief Constable, Della Cannings, to meet them - although she has already turned down an earlier request.

Members of City of York Council's economic development and community safety scrutiny board invited the county's most senior police officer to a meeting to discuss policing matters earlier this year.

Ms Cannings declined the invitation, saying she was not obliged to attend.

But councillors are still keen to meet her - so council scrutiny officer Adam Hewitt is to send another invitation.

He told board members: "We don't have the power to scrutinise the police.

"But we do have the right to invite anyone, and there's clearly a moral obligation in terms of the good relationship with North Yorkshire Police.

"I have drafted another letter - we are looking at this as a mutually beneficial exercise."

Coun Mark Hill said: "I think the Chief Constable's decision is surprising - and I hope she changes it.

"There are things councillors would like to discuss - such as the extent to which we wish to fund North Yorkshire Police through ward committees.

"After all, we do collect all the money for the police, and we do have a crime problem in York."

The board's chairman, Coun Keith Hyman, said: "It's a shame that she didn't accept the invitation. We are not here to say what police should do, but we would like a better understanding."

North Yorkshire Police spokesman Tony Lidgate said: "We'll look forward to receiving a further invitation.

"If they write, she will look at it, and she will reply."

Updated: 10:51 Wednesday, March 24, 2004