YOU report the proposal to use St George's Field as a coach park (March 26). There has been much debate about the number of car parking spaces being lost under this proposal, but has any thought been given to the aesthetics of permanently using St George's Field as a coach park?

St George's Field is on the side of the river where many visitors and residents enjoy boat trips or walks down to the Millennium Bridge via New Walk.

While the current use of St George's Field as a car park may not provide the prettiest view in the world, it is at least on a human scale.

Which other historic city would allow such a visual intrusion into its centre?

Imagine the impression given to visitors if all that can been seen when passing this area in the future is a 10ft-high wall of multi-coloured mobile advertising hoardings.

What next; leasing out the city's bridges for advertising?

Ian Wolstencroft,

Waterfront House,

Clementhorpe, York.

Updated: 10:20 Wednesday, March 31, 2004