ON March 24 while walking home from work I fell heavily outside the fire station in Clifford Street, York.

Several kind people immediately stopped and offered help and support, including one kind soul who even offered to walk along the riverbank and find my husband who I was to meet.

While I was in a great deal of pain and discomfort, I did not break any bones and, although an ambulance was called, I did not need hospital treatment.

But the combined efforts of the ambulance crew and my rescuers ensured I was reunited with my husband and taken home to convalesce soon afterwards.

It is reassuring to know that in these troubled and pressured times, that when you are in need of help Good Samaritans are still to be found.

I thank those people of York who took the time, effort and energy to help.

Mrs Morgan,

Farndale Street,

Fulford Road, York.

Updated: 10:20 Wednesday, March 31, 2004