TWO interesting items today concerning the Barbican debate. Hugh Bayley's contentions are based upon solid facts, well known to those who have followed the debate closely.

Keith Orrell's attempt to delude ratepayers into thinking the Lib-Dems have clinched a better deal than that originally negotiated is transparently wrong.

Since when has it been difficult to persuade developers to increase their original proposal of 120 dwellings to 220?

Why not go one step further and beg them to build 300 and altogether ignore the desires of the rate payers by eliminating all sporting facilities from the scheme?

Again, it must be stressed that until the council quote financial details, albeit based upon estimates, of their intentions regarding all the swimming pools, including so called "modernisation" of these facilities, they will lack all credibility in the eyes of the people they pretend to represent.

Possibly a quick reversion to the original scheme may save the Lib-Dems at the next election, but this is very doubtful after creating this rod for their own backs.

Joe Jones,

Rawcliffe Lane,


Updated: 11:09 Wednesday, April 07, 2004